☆ 新作、制作中♪ “ 波の見える風景 ” ☆☆ New work under construction ♪ “Landscape with waves” ☆

今回も、引き続き熱帯魚を描いていきます。 This time, I will continue to draw tropical fish.
熱帯魚は色鮮やかで美しいですね。 Tropical fish are colorful and beautiful.

前回は、海亀と熱帯魚と、黄色と黄緑の色で波のキラキラ感とその海底に差し込む光を描きました。 Last time, I drew sea turtles, tropical fish, and yellow and yellow-green colors to depict the sparkle of the waves and the light that shines into the bottom of the sea.
〘Scenery with waves〙
The size,,,
What kind of picture would you draw if you were given this theme?
If you do a Google image search for ``wave landscape'' and ``oil painting'', you will find a variety of famous and unknown paintings.
I didn't want to draw the same thing, so I looked at many different paintings and worked out my ideas.
